The San Diego Bicycle Safety Portal
Find San Diego Cycling Information and Bike Safety Tips
What to Expect on the San Diego Bicycle Safety Portal
Welcome to the San Diego Bicycle Safety Portal. Our primary goal is to educate the cycling public across California about bike safety, bicycle law, the best cycling routes and other information on biking in San Diego. Therefore, we geared the information and resources toward cyclists in all ranges, from beginners to seasoned cyclists. San Diego is an ideal city for the sport of cycling. Listed below is a summary of many of the bike topics we cover:
Biking in San Diego
Expect information on local cycling events and common biking destinations. Then, plan your biking excursions with our firsthand knowledge of routes that make up some the best bike trials in the city. Furthermore, cycling is a great way to experience the culture and scenery of one of America’s most picturesque cities.
Cycling Terms
Ever wonder the name of the component that attaches the handlebars to the rest of the bike, or what cyclists call bumps in the road? We provide a rundown of common biking vocabulary. Additionally, we offer more information about the best types of bikes for your style of biking. This includes road, touring, mountain as well as hybrid, on our all about bikes resource page.
Bike Safety
How can you prevent bike accidents and bicycle injuries? This website provides information on what you need to know to bike safely in San Diego. One of the most important California bike laws and regulations requires minors under the age of 18 wear safety helmets. We encourage all bicycle riders to wear helmets. Furthermore, studies show that you can avoid serious head injuries by wearing a properly fitted bike helmet. Get information about how to know if your bicycle helmet is properly fitted here.
Bicycle Laws
Under California bike law, cyclists have most of the same rights and responsibilities as vehicle operators. Thus, everyone should know California bicycle laws. Read some of the primary cycling rules of the road on our site. A solid command of the laws and requirements can then boost your bicycle safety and lessen the chances of your involvement in a San Diego bike accident.
Bike Riding Skills
Get bike safety tips including proper bicycle riding skills to help make your bike riding experiences safe and enjoyable. Our site has some great pointers on “positioning” your body, so that you can always establish your “center.” These often overlooked basic cycling tips can help when it comes to negotiating difficult bike traffic situations or avoiding them altogether. Once you learn how to cycle safely, you can then enjoy the sport, regardless of your age or physical condition when cycling for fitness
Know Your Rights Following a Bike Accident
Our bike safety site also provide information about cycling gear, insurance coverage, bike maintenance and repairs. Bookmark this page, so that you can return to read the latest cycling news. San Diego bicycle accident lawyer and cyclist Joshua Bonnici provides The San Diego Bicycle Safety Portal as a courtesy to fellow biking enthusiasts and for those just starting out. If you have been involved in a San Diego bike crash, contact an accident attorney for a free, no obligation consultation.