Bicycle Lanes: Worth Every Penny

It is beneficial for cities and communities to invest in bicycle lanes for its roads—they keep cyclists and motorists safe. Bike lanes define road space and provide a layer of protection for vulnerable cyclists.

According to The Department of Cambridge Community Development, the construction of bike lanes in Davis, California decreased bicycle accidents by 31 percent. Motorists are more likely to keep an eye out for cyclists on roads with marked bike lanes. They also encourage cyclists to stay out of the way of cars and trucks. When bicycle lanes were added on a main road in Eugene, Oregon, the crash rate reduced by half for cyclists and also decreased significantly for all car accidents. On roads that have bike lanes, cyclists obeyed stop signs 81 percent of the time versus 55 percent on roads without the lanes.

If your community does not have marked bike lanes on roads cyclist frequent, you should urge your representatives to consider them. It can be hard for communities with tight budgets to approve additional spending, but this is not something that can be ignored. In many cases, it is safer to ride on bike lanes than a sidewalk or a trail, and the benefits are undeniable.

Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego bicycle accident attorney.

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