San Diego Cyclists came out en masse on Sunday, March 30 for CicloSDias, a celebration of all things cycling. The event shut down a 2.5 mile stretch of the Pacific Beach area from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., during which no cars were permitted to enter. As such, the area was a bicycling free-for-all where families could enjoy the beautiful day on two wheels without worrying about the constant danger of an automobile. City Council President Todd Gloria, Congressman Scott Peters and Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman gave the event’s opening remarks in full cycling regalia, setting the tone for the day to come.
“People want events like this,” said one CicloSDias attendee. “They want to be out in the streets without worrying about getting hit by a car or not being seen in the crosswalk or having a big enough bike lane.”
Pedestrians are also welcome into the CicloSDias safe zone. In many ways, the event is a sneak peek into San Diego’s future as more and more people switch from cars to alternative transportation. CicloSDias began in the 1970s in Bogota, Columbia where urban commuters were tired of congestion and traffic. In the years since, similar events have spread to New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
The route featured hubs throughout with event sponsor showcases and bicycle repair booths. In addition, more than 500 businesses received the benefit of concentrated bicycle and pedestrian traffic. Hopefully, this will send a message to those businesses that worry about how replacing parking spots with bike lanes will affect their bottom line. Businesses located along bike routes are benefiting from the increase in bicycle traffic, because bicyclists can stop and window-shop much easier than motorists.
Looking For A Personal Injury Attorney In San Diego That Handles Bike Accidents
CicloSDias arrived just as San Diego is becoming a national model for bicycle infrastructure, approving over $200 million in alternative transportation projects. It is important for cyclists to remember that the rest of the city is not as safe as CicloSDias, because the roads are filled with drivers who have yet to adapt to sharing the road with cyclists. If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident caused by a negligent motorist, attorney Joshua Bonnici will take care of you. Dudek and his associates are experienced bicyclists who understand the joys and hazards of two-wheeled transportation. For more information, call our firm at (858) 261-5454.
[Did You Know: The first bike-only event, held in Bogota in 1974, was called Ciclovía, which means bike path in Spanish.]
Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego bicycle accident lawyer