Most everyone would agree that there are many health benefits to cycling, in fact, it is one of the main reasons people choose to cycle instead of drive or use public transportation. One man in San Francisco, however, may not agree. At least he claims he does not.
Rob Anderson, 69, is using a state legal loophole to stall the development of 1,600 miles of bike lanes in California, according to Anderson successfully sued San Francisco in 2006 for failing to properly conduct environmental studies before making bike lanes. The studies are required by state law. It stalled the project for three years. Needless to say, Anderson has not made many friends in the cycling community.
“The city insists on screwing up our streets on behalf of the Bicycle Coalition and a small, obnoxious minority of bike people,” claims Anderson. “It’s political correctness run amok.”
As ridiculous as Anderson’s claims are, they have been effective. Los Angeles has put a halt on its bike path plans for now. It seems the city may not have much choice, in light of the San Francisco judge’s ruling in 2006.
“The city knew there was a problem with environmental clearance,” says Los Angeles city planner Claire Bowen. “Then we looked at what was happening in San Francisco…It’s an obstacle, and you have to work with that process to look at ways to make it work. To me, it’s part of the mountain you’re climbing. But that’s the challenge.”
I think most reasonable people would hardly consider protecting cyclists—especially children—to be “political correctness run amok.” Hopefully the judicial system and legislators can coordinate to get this project done. Millions of taxpayers’ dollars were already used in studies for planning these bike lanes in Los Angeles, and Anderson is just adding to the complications.
Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego personal injury attorney.