Steve Norwick, a popular Sonoma State University professor, lost his life in a tragic bicycle accident on June 8, according to Norwick was riding along a road when he was apparently hit by a motorist who fled the scene. Driver Robert Cowart plead not guilty to a felony hit-and-run charge. Norwick was in a coma for 10 days following the collision before he died at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital.
“It’s as if the fabric of our community has been torn apart,” said friend and colleague, Barbara Lesch McCaffry. “He touched hundreds of faculty and thousands of students.”
Cowart, 68, has three previous convictions for drinking and driving. According to the prosecution, Cowart left the scene and proceeded on with his day as if nothing had happened before police caught him. Norwick taught courses on soil science, water technology and environmental literature.
“He was a scientist by training, but taught environmental studies and planning,” said the victim’s daughter, “and he was well versed in poetry and literature, and published both on scientific topics and in the liberal arts.”
It is a shame that a man’s life was ended by the careless actions of another. If you are out on the road this Fourth of July, be extra cautious and on the lookout for drunk drivers.
Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego wrongful death attorney.