Summer Cycling Safety Tips

As the summer continues to roll along, cyclists have certainly been enjoying the longer sunlight hours and ideal riding conditions across the country. If you regularly ride, especially in urban areas, chances are you may have a near-miss moment, if not an actual bicycle accident. Here is a list of helpful do’s and don’ts for all cyclists to keep in mind for the rest of summer.


  • Use lights. In addition to reflectors, make sure your bike is equipped with a light on the front and the rear. It not only helps you see the road at nights, but you will be much more visible to motorists.
  • Follow traffic laws. Cyclists must obey the same traffic laws as motor vehicles; this includes signaling, stopping at red lights and stop signs and yielding to traffic when it is necessary.
  • Regularly maintain your bike. Check the brakes, wheels, axles etc. every week. It is important to make sure your bike is working properly.


  • Ride without a helmet. One of the simplest things you can do to protect yourself is make sure you have a proper bicycle helmet. Never get on your bike without one, even if you are riding a short distance.
  • Drink and ride. Cycling after drinking is not a safe alternative to drinking and driving. In most states, the laws are similar and you can be arrested for cycling under the influence of alcohol.

Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego personal injury lawyer.

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