Tag Archives: bicycle accident

How Do I Claim for Bike Damage?

Bicycle accidents can lead to significant financial and emotional stress, mainly when they result in damaged property or personal injury. Continue reading

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Top 5 Things NOT to Do After a Bike Accident

Knowing what not to do after a bike accident is vital in protecting your rights and ensuring you receive fair compensation. Continue reading

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How to Guide: Dealing with an Angry Driver

In San Diego, we are fortunate to have an abundance of bike lanes. This helps to avert many of the confrontations between angry drivers and cyclists that all cities have. When you do find yourself on the road and have a driver act less than friendly towards you, here’s what to do to avoid escalating the situation more than need be. How to Deal with an Angry Driver Don’t react – When a driver is yelling at you for seemingly no reason, sometimes it’s really nothing to do with you. After a stressful day at work, traffic can be the tip-over point that induces a road rage beholden to no form of logic. In these instances, the best action to take is usually to ignore them and let them pass you. Respond positively – If the driver is out to get you and won’t stop bothering you, try to acknowledge…
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