University Of Arizona Raises Awareness Of Bicycle Safety Laws

As students are shuffling back into class on campus this fall, the University of Arizona is focusing on raising awareness of bicycle laws and other traffic laws.  The University of Arizona Police Department and Parking and Transportation Services has launched a Bicycle Safety and Education Campaign to ensure safety for students and faculty this years.

Officers will issue warnings to anyone not obeying the laws.  Their goal is to educate, not simply punish and fine.   When the campaign is over in October, officers will issue citations instead of warnings.

“Bikes have to follow the same laws as a car, like stopping at red lights,” Sgt. Juan Alvarez told The Daily Wildcat, University of Arizona’s newspaper.

“I would follow more laws if I actually knew them,” said freshman Nick DePratti.  “I guess I break the bike laws without knowing.”

Officers will pass out brochures to violators during the beginning, informing them of the specific laws.  This is a gesture of good faith from both the university and law enforcement, showing the public they protect and serve, not simply punish.  Hopefully, cyclists will learn to comply with these safety laws before the fines come out in October.

Bonnici Law Group APC—San Diego bicycle accident attorney.


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