Make Sure Your Gift Is ‘Complete’ This Year

San Diego health officials are reminding those giving or donating gifts to children to keep safety in mind. If you plan on donating—or giving in general—a bicycle, skateboard or a scooter, remember to include a helmet as well. If a child receives a gift, they may not want to wait for all the safety equipment before testing it out. Officials want to make sure that all the gifts this year are “complete,” according to

“During the past year, 222 children under the age of 15 were injured riding their bikes, scooter or skateboards in San Diego County,” said Dr. Wilma Wooten, county public health officer. “It’s estimated that wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of severe brain injuries by approximately 85 to 90 percent.”

Make sure the helmet is appropriate for the gift as well, and will fit the recipient. It can make a huge difference in how effective the helmet is, according to Robert Herber of Racers and Chasers, a bicycle safety organization. A bicycle helmet is designed to take a large amount of force from one object, like a car or a rock. Skateboarding helmets protect further down the back of the head and designed for multiple smaller impacts.

“A bicycling helmet is different from a skateboarding helmet, and you should always make sure the helmet fits properly,” Herber says.

Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego bicycle accident attorney.

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