Cycling Advocate Calling For More Los Angeles Checkpoints

Los Angeles cycling advocate Alex de Cordoba is thankful to be alive after a bicycle accident nearly claimed his life in November. The hit-and-run accident left him with life-threatening injuries, and now he is calling for action to improve bicycle safety in Los Angeles.

In a Huffington Post column, de Cordoba said he began to notice drivers’ license checkpoints in the city after the accident. The checkpoints are similar to DUI checkpoints and are meant to weed out drivers with suspended licenses or no license at all.

“An estimated two million drivers are unlicensed,” says de Cordoba. “Either they never got a driver’s license, or their license has been suspended. More than half of all people driving with a suspended license were convicted of a DUI. Half of all hit-at-run collisions involve unlicensed drivers. Unlicensed drivers are four times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident.”

Do you think more checkpoints would protect cyclists in Southern California?

Bonnici Law Group, APC—San Diego wrongful death attorney.

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