5 Essential Bike Safety Rules for Kids

5 Essential Bike Safety Rules for Kids

There are few things we associate more with a happy childhood than riding a bike. Teaching bicycle safety to your kids is a great way to help them develop good habits early in life. Here are five essential bike safety rules for kids to make sure these childhood rides stay safe:

Bicycle Safety Rule #1: Make Sure the Helmet Fits

Helmets are the single best way to prevent a minor accident from becoming a major injury. You and your child should always ride with a helmet. Make sure that the helmet fits. Also, ensure that the helmet fastens properly. 

You don’t want the helmet coming loose while your child is riding. A snug fit is your best bet. Help your kid build this habit and you are halfway there.

Bicycle Safety Rule #2: Stay on the Sidewalk

As an adult, you probably want to avoid sidewalks and stick to bike lanes. However, sidewalks are ideal for kids. This is especially true when they are just riding around the neighborhood. 

You should teach them courtesy in sharing the sidewalk with pedestrians and other riders. You don’t want them hitting your neighbors on their afternoon walk.

Bicycle Safety Rule #3: Wear Bright Colors

Dress your kids in bright colors. Dressing your child in bright colors will make it easier for cars to notice them. This can reduce the chances of an accident. As an added benefit, it will make it easier for you to find your kids when you check on them.

Bicycle Safety Rule #4: Avoid Riding in the Dark

Nighttime is by far the most dangerous riding time. There is a strong argument for keeping younger children from riding after dark at all. If your kids do go for a night ride, make sure to fit the bike with a light.

Bicycle Safety Rule #5: Ride With Your Kids

If your kids are riding too far from home, come along to keep an eye on them. In addition, getting on your own bike is always a great way to teach your kids about bicycle safety. 

You can always tell your kids about bike safety. But, being a positive example reinforces good behavior. Show your kids how to ride safely and they will follow your lead.

Biking is an iconic part of growing up. Making sure your kids learn a few basic bike safety rules for kids will go a long way towards helping them stay safe. It will also give them a solid foundation for practicing proper bicycle safety later in life.

About Our San Diego Bicycle Accident Attorney

Joshua Bonnici is a San Diego bike accident lawyer and cycling enthusiast. He has a passion for promoting bicycle safety and defending his fellow riders. If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, you have options. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation to discuss your situation.

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